2011年10月10日 星期一

來自俄國的高級多媒體播放器 AIMP 3.00.934 Beta 5 發布下載!

AIMP 是來自俄國的一款高級多媒體播放器,從前有一段時間幾乎每個在電腦上聽音樂的人都曾經使用 W​​inAMP 這款音樂播放軟體,而它的功能也由早期的 MP3 檔案播放,不過 WinAmp 已經發展為多媒體軟體,軟體的體積以及資源佔用也與日俱增,迫使 WinAmp 的老用戶不得不轉而使用其它的替代方案。AIMP 正好是一個不錯的替代方案!
AIMP 3.00.934 Beta 5 更新內容:
+ Plugins: New API
+ Plugins: Scheduler - Button for easy way to set current time was added
+ Player: The ability to change "User-Agent" was added
+ Player: Context menu for "Repeat track" button was added for quick access to repeat options
+ Player: Playlists in *.ASX format are supported now
+ Player: Equalizer has been improved
+ Tag Editor: Ability to resize album art images is added
+ Audio Library: Displaying album art in AeroPeak
* Skin-Engine: Input box - ability to select text via keyboard was added
* Skin-Engine: Input box - shortcuts for copy / paste operations were added
* Skin-Engine: Memory usage has been reduced
* Plugins: "Plugins Manager" dialog has been redesigned
* Plugins: Last .fm plugin now works only with installed Last.fm-client
- Fixed: Wrong tracks names during the internet radio capturing
- Fixed: Player used to jump over 1 track in some cases
- Fixed: "Repeat track" function used to operate incorrectly with files which duration is less than 2 seconds
- Fixed: Some skins are used to draw incorrectly on system with non-russian locale
- Fixed: "Block desktop locking" option doesn't operate in fullscreen mode of visualization
- Fixed: Incorrect work with relative paths
- Fixed: Incorrect position of "Add link" dialog on the system with few monitors
- Fixed: ID3v2 tags are parsed incorrectly in some cases
- Fixed: "Disk number" field isn't read from tags of files in M4A format
- Fixed : Bitrate for some files in TTA format calculates incorrectly
- Fixed: Disk number isn't displayed in playlist, if it is in "1/2" format
- Fixed: "Remove missing files" command removes links to internet radiostations
- Fixed: Error occures after player restarting and attempt to playing CUE file
- Fixed: "Search new files" action adds duplicated files in some cases
- Fixed: Tag editor save album art to first selected file only
- Fixed: Player doesn't operate via meta data from some internet radiostations
- Fixed: Incorrect channel order when playing files in DTS format
- Fixed: Player crushes when trying to play corrupted file in MP3 format
- Fixed: Small part of previous track can be listened when current file is trying to be played and player is on pause state
- Fixed: Player hungs some times when trying to play files in WAV format
- Fixed: Plugin for multimedia keyboards support is missing in 916 build
- Fixed: Audio Library - "Search new files" doesn't process new subfolders
- Fixed: Audio Library - Labels doesn't display in the list immediately
- Fixed: Player hangs while track navigation, if DSP-plugins are in use
- Fixed: Skin-Engine - Some skins doesn't provide an ability to select playlist tab via mouse
- Fixed: Skin-Engine - Windows aren't repainted in some cases
- Fixed: Skin-Engine - Minimal size of window calculates incorrectly after its child containers shown / hidden
軟體名稱:AIMP 3.00.934 Beta 5 
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