2011年12月6日 星期二

解決 1/5 相容性問題 Opera 11.60 正式版發布下載!

Opera 瀏覽器是來自挪威的一個極為出色的網路瀏覽套件,具有速度快、節省系統資源、定制能力強、安全性高以及體積小等特點,目前已經是廣受歡迎的瀏覽器之一。多文檔介面(MDI)、方便的縮放功能、整合搜尋引擎、快速鍵與滑鼠手勢、瀏覽歷史記憶、防止惡意快顯視窗、全螢幕模式、對 HTML 標準的支援、整合電子郵件與新聞群組以及讓使用者自訂按鈕、皮膚、工具列等等,都使  Opera 多年來倍受喜愛。
此次 Opera 11.60 的重要更新包括 HTML5 Parser、M2、更多 HTML5 / ECMAScript 5.1 / CSS3 / CSS4 等標準支援,號稱解決了五分之一的相容性問題。

Opera 11.60 正式版更新日誌:

1、Opera 11.60 uses『Tunny』as its code name.
2、Opera Presto 2.10 rendering engine
Opera 11.60 uses the Opera Presto 2.10 rendering engine (Presto / 2.10.229).
Opera Mail
The user interface for Opera Mail has been redesigned.
3、Two-lined message list: Opera Mail will now default to『list on the left, message on the right』,
with the newest message on top, and showing message threads.
4、Mail grouping: Opera will automatically group messages by date. You can also group them
by unread status, by pinned status, or not at all.
5、Cleaned up look: The mail toolbars are simplified, and icons have been redesigned.
6、New settings dialogs: The『View』dropdown menu with all its sub-menus has been replaced by an overlay dialog that can be reached by clicking
7、Pinning: You can now『pin』messages with one click in the message list or in
the message headers, to mark a message for attention. This pinning is mapped
to the IMAP Flagged feature, so it corresponds to『starring』and『flagging』in
 other IMAP clients, and with Gmail’s starred messages.
8、See: Mail goes two-lined and grouped

支援運行環境:Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7

軟體名稱:Opera 11.60 正式版
Opera 11.60 正式版下載
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