2011年12月6日 星期二

加強功能組件 AIMP 3.00.961 RC2 官方發布下載!

AIMP 是來自俄國的一款高級多媒體播放器,從前有一段時間幾乎每個在電腦上聽音樂的人都曾經使用 W​​inAMP 這款音樂播放軟體,而它的功能也由早期的 MP3 檔案播放,不過 WinAmp 已經發展為多媒體軟體,軟體的體積以及資源佔用也與日俱增,迫使 WinAmp 的老用戶不得不轉而使用其它的替代方案。AIMP 正好是一個不錯的替代方案!
AIMP 3.00.934 Beta 5 更新內容:

AIMP 3.00.961 RC2 更新内容(2011 年 12 月 2 日):

+ Added localizations: Farsi
* Localizations were updated
* Sound Engine: Resampler algorithm has been improved
* Player: Player now detects full screen applications only on the current monitor
* Player: Ability to start playback of bookmark using "Enter" key
* Plugins: Radio Browser - ability to input genre manually
* Track list: Total duration of playlist now displays in "DD:HH:MM:SS" format

- Fixed: Incompatibility with AVG and Avast antivirus
- Fixed: Incompatibility with Synaptics TouchPad
- Fixed: External playlist is not reloaded when trying to open it again
- Fixed: Player doesn't receive links to the internet radio via command line
- Fixed: Player doesn't allow drop new file to the end of playlist, if "Auto merge similar categories" option is active
- Fixed: ID3v2 tag doesn't read to the end in some cases
- Fixed: "Show information about selected files" option doesn't work
- Fixed: Player doesn't work correctly with playlists in M3U8 format
- Fixed: No an ability to capture internet-radio, if station doesn't send meta-data
- Fixed: Navigation by track doesn't work for remote files
- Fixed: Audio Library doesn't detects drive letter correctly in some cases
- Fixed: Known memory leaks

軟體名稱:AIMP 3.00.961 RC2
AIMP 3.00.961 RC2 下載(6MB)
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