Sandboxie 是一款經典優秀的共用版沙盤工具。Sandboxie 就像它的名字沙盤一樣,只要在此環境中運行的軟體,瀏覽器或註冊表資訊等等都可以完整的進行清空,不留一點痕跡。同時可以防禦一些帶有木馬或者病毒的惡意網站!對於經常測試軟體或者不放心的軟體,推薦在 Sandboxie 裡面運行!
沙盤 Sandboxie 3.74 正式版 更新內容:
- New Getting Started short tutorial appears on first use. Can be invoked manually from the Help menu.
- Sandboxie Control application now natively supports high DPI display modes.
- Fixed a couple of usability issues with the Sandboxie Start Menu when the interface language is not English.
- Fixed an issue where SBIE2218 could appear in some "Run as administrator" elevation scenarios.
- Enabled Address Space Layout Randomization in all Sandboxie components.
- Fixed an issue with opening web links or multimedia files using a forced program, when the DefaultBox sandbox has been removed.
- Fixed a problem where Sandboxie would not work correctly if Windows compatibility setting are selected for Sandboxie program shortcuts.
- The Lingering Programs mechanism will not stop programs set as a linger program, if the program in question is showing a window.
- Fixed an issue with accessing network
- Support for Windows 8 final RTM build (number 9200). Sandboxie is not compatible with earlier builds of Windows8
- Improved compatibility with avast! Antivirus, BitVise SSH Client, CafeAgent, EMET v3, Logitech G15 keyboard, UltraMon.
Sandboxie 安裝過程會提示使用者進行驅動安裝,只有安裝此驅動才可正常運行該軟體。
支援運行環境:Windows XP /Vista / Win7 / Win8
軟體名稱:Sandboxie 3.74 32 位元
Sandboxie 3.74 32 位元官方下載(2.4MB) |
☆數位夢想☆ 由 Redwolf 製作以 創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 3.0 台灣 授權條款 釋出
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