2012年8月27日 星期一

沙盤 Sandboxie 3.74 正式版:相容 Win8 正式版!

Sandboxie 是一款經典優秀的共用版沙盤工具。Sandboxie 就像它的名字沙盤一樣,只要在此環境中運行的軟體,瀏覽器或註冊表資訊等等都可以完整的進行清空,不留一點痕跡。同時可以防禦一些帶有木馬或者病毒的惡意網站!對於經常測試軟體或者不放心的軟體,推薦在 Sandboxie 裡面運行!

沙盤 Sandboxie 3.74 正式版 更新內容:
  1. New Getting Started short tutorial appears on first use. Can be invoked manually from the Help menu.
  2. Sandboxie Control application now natively supports high DPI display modes.
  3. Fixed a couple of usability issues with the Sandboxie Start Menu when the interface language is not English.
  4. Fixed an issue where SBIE2218 could appear in some "Run as administrator" elevation scenarios.
  5. Enabled Address Space Layout Randomization in all Sandboxie components.
  6. Fixed an issue with opening web links or multimedia files using a forced program, when the DefaultBox sandbox has been removed.
  7. Fixed a problem where Sandboxie would not work correctly if Windows compatibility setting are selected for Sandboxie program shortcuts.
  8. The Lingering Programs mechanism will not stop programs set as a linger program, if the program in question is showing a window.
  9. Fixed an issue with accessing network
  10. Support for Windows 8 final RTM build (number 9200). Sandboxie is not compatible with earlier builds of Windows8
  11. Improved compatibility with avast! Antivirus, BitVise SSH Client, CafeAgent, EMET v3, Logitech G15 keyboard, UltraMon.
Sandboxie 允許你在沙盤環境中運行瀏覽器或其他程式,因此運行所產生的變化可以隨後刪除。可用來消除上網、運行程式的痕跡,也可用來還原我的最愛、主頁、註冊表等。即使在沙盤進程中下載的檔,也會隨著沙盤的清空而刪除。

Sandboxie 安裝過程會提示使用者進行驅動安裝,只有安裝此驅動才可正常運行該軟體。

支援運行環境:Windows XP /Vista / Win7 / Win8

軟體名稱:Sandboxie 3.74 32 位元
Sandboxie 3.74 32 位元官方下載(2.4MB)
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