2011年9月5日 星期一

微軟極品小工具包 Sysinternals 發布下載!(9 月 2 日)!

Sysinternals Suite 是一套集成數十個綠色軟體的系統工具包,早前被微軟直接收購,提起 Sysinternals Suite 這個工具包的名字很多朋友可能並不了解,但是如果筆者提起 Regmon、Filemon 以及後來他們被合併成一個的 Process Monitor 這些軟體,還有史上最強的查看開機所有啟動程序和服務的 AutoRuns 等極品工具,那麼,想必很多朋友就知道了吧!

Sysinternals Suite 裡面的各個小工具組件都可以單獨拿出來運行,都是綠色化設計。

美國時間 9 月 2 日的這次更新涉及 5 個小軟體,其中 Process Explorer 這個幾乎是每次必然更新的,想了解這套工具包的詳細信息,請查閱『微軟極品 Sysinternals 工具包( 7 月 22 日)發布下載!』:

Coreinfo v3:
Coreinfo is a command-line utility that reports detailed information about processor cores and topology, including cache sizes, core-to-socket mappings and NUMA memory latencies. It now shows the processor features supported by the system's processors. For example, Coreinfo will show if the processor supports hardware-assisted virtualization and advanced virtualization features like Second Level Address Translation.

DebugView v4.77:
This update to DebugView, a graphic debug output monitor useful for application and device driver development, adds a command-line switch to enable or disable kernel-mode capture, a switch to enable millisecond clock display, and a number of bug fixes.

SDelete v1.6:
SDelete, a command-line utility for securely deleting files and zeroing volume free space, fixes a bug that prevented it from accessing some files on 64-bit Windows and swaps the zero-free-space and clean-free-space arguments to make them more intuitive.

Process Explorer v15.04:
This release fixes several minor bugs, including a tooltip display bug and one that could result in a miscalculation of CPU usage on Windows 7 in the refresh immediately following the termination of a CPU-intensive process.

Process Explorer v15.01:
This update (數位夢想極力推薦使用)adds the ability to select a custom graph background color, adds paged and nonpaged pool quota columns to the process view, fixes incorrect information on the disk and network process properties dialog on 32 -bit Windows, and fixes a GPU tray icon bug.

Sysinternals Suite 內含數十個實用小工具:

軟體名稱:微軟極品 Sysinternals 工具包(9 月 2 日)
12.9MB,支持 Windows7、Vista、XP 等系统
創用 CC 授權條款
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