Report,可圈可點的就是 Autoruns 了!能把計劃任務中的開機加載項快速的揪出來。
Sysinternals Suite 是一套集成數十個綠色軟體的系統工具包,早前被微軟直接收購,提起 Sysinternals Suite 這個工具包的名字很多新朋友可能並不了解,但是如果提起 Regmon、Filemon以及後來他們被合併成一個的 Process Monitor 這些軟體,還有史上最強的查看開機所有啟動程序和服務的 AutoRuns 等極品工具,那麼,想必很多朋友就知道了吧!
Sysinternals Suite 裡面的各個小工具組件都可以單獨拿出來運行,都是綠色化設計。想了解這套工具包的詳細信息,請查閱『微軟極品 Sysinternals 工具包( 7 月 22 日)發布下載!』
Autoruns v11.1:
This update to Autoruns adds several new autostart locations, reports the active filter in the status bar, and highlights unsigned images and those with no company name or description to make them easy to spot.
AccessChk v5.02:
This AccessChk release includes improved error messages, reports registry key delete permission, and includes a manifest.
Coreinfo v3.02:
This minor update to Coreinfo, a command-line tool that reports supported CPU features and topology, includes Microsoft's SLAT term for Intel's Extended Page Table and AMD's Nested Paging virtualization features.
Microsoft Security Intelligence Report v11:
Microsoft's regular report on the state of malware covering January through June of 2011 is out and includes a primer by Mark on using the Sysinternals tools to identify and clean malware.
Sysinternals Suite 內含數十個實用小工具:
軟體名稱:微軟極品 Sysinternals工具包(11 月 11 日)
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微軟官方下載(美國當地時間 2011-11-10 日版本)12.9MB,支持 Windows 7、Vista、XP 等系統 |
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