我們先來看看 Sysinternals Suite 本次的更新歷史,這次更新涉及 4 個小軟體,其中 Process Explorer 這個幾乎是每次必然更新的,想了解這套工具包的詳細信息,請查閱『微軟極品 Sysinternals 工具包( 7 月22 日)發布下載!』:
Autoruns v11:
This update to Autoruns, a GUI and command-line tool that lists executables configured to run when you boot, logon or run common applications, adds a ?jump to folder? command and several additional autostart locations. The command-line version , Autorunsc, adds a new switch to show file hashes and an option to display the autostart entries for all user accounts registered on a system.
Coreinfo v3.01:
This update to Coreinfo, a command-line utility that shows processor features and topology, fixes a bug in the way it reports hyper-threading and gives a warning when showing virtualization features and a hypervisor is running.
ProcDump v4.01:
This release of ProcDump, a tool for capturing process memory dumps, adds a context record for 1st chance exception dumps so that registers and the call stack of the faulting thread are captured.
Process Explorer v15.05:
This update fixes a bug in cycle CPU usage calculation on Windows 7.
Sysinternals Suite 的設計理念很棒!裡面的各個小工具組件都可以單獨拿出來運行,都是綠色化設計。
Sysinternals Suite 內含數十個實用小工具。
軟體名稱:微軟極品 Sysinternals工具包(9 月 22 日)
官方網站: http://www.microsoft.com/zh/tw/
微軟官方下載(美國當地時間 2011/9/21日版本)12.9 MB,支持 Windows 7、Vista、XP 等系統
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