ESET 成立於 1992 年,是一家面向企業與個人使用者的全球性電腦安全軟體提供商,其屢獲殊榮的 NOD32 防毒軟體能夠針對各種已知或未知病毒、木馬、蠕蟲、間諜軟體(Spyware)、Rootkits 和其他惡意軟體等,為電腦提供有效的保護。
以『輕、快、狠、準』而聞名的 ESET NOD32 比其他任何同類產品獲得的 VB100 認證要多,甚至讓很多產品都望塵莫及。
ESET NOD32 V5 主要更新:
• Enhanced Media Control - Blocks threats trying to get through to the system via removable media. ESET Smart Security 5 automatically prompts user to scan the content of all USB flash drives, CDs and DVDs. Users can block specific media based on a range of parameters like the device ID, media type, and serial number.
• ESET Cloud-Powered Reputation - Enhanced detection power and scanning speed using advanced reputation service and ESET malware collection and analysis.
• Optimized Startup Procedure - ESET Smart Security 5 lets user start working on computer immediately after boot-up, without compromising security.
• Gamer Mode - When in full-screen mode, ESET Smart Security automatically switches to silent mode to save system resources, so users can enjoy playing computer games or concentrate on important work tasks without distractions from pop-up messages.
• Improved Graphic User Interface - The graphical environment has undergone a number of usability and design modifications aiming to enhance the overall user experience.
• Parental Control - Blocks sites that may contain potentially offensive material. In addition, parents can prohibit access to up to 20 pre-defined website categories.
• Improved Antispam - Antispam module integrated into ESET Smart Security has undergone a thorough optimization process for an even higher level of detection precision.
• Intelligent Firewall - Prevents unauthorized users from accessing your computer remotely and monitoring your network traffic.
支援運行環境:Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
NOD32 AntiVirus 5.0.95 下載:
軟體名稱:ESET NOD32 Antivirus 5.0.95

☆數位夢想☆ 由 Redwolf 製作以 創用CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 3.0 台灣 授權條款 釋出

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